We have been hearing that there is hell under the earth, and there are sun, moon, and billions of stars in the sky. It is said that our ancestors live around Chandralok, which is called Pitrulok. When you rise above Pitrulok, you find Swargalok. Indra lives with all the gods In Swargalok.
But what is more beautiful and above heaven? Let us tell you that above heaven is Brahmalok where Brahma resides and from there, he creates the entire universe. But higher than Brahmalok is Vaikuntha Lok where Bhagwan Vishnu resides with his councilors. It is said that whoever attains the Moksha goes directly to Vaikunth, the world of Bhagwan Vishnu. But is there any world above it, or is it the end of our Brahmand? Today, The Karma is taking you to a world that is above and superior to all worlds. Shri Krishna lives in this world.
You would wonder if Shri Krishna is the avatar of Bhagwan Vishnu, then how can there be a different world for him? If we accept Brahmavaivart Puran and Garg Samhita, then Bhagwan Krishna is the progenitor of the universe and from him, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv are born. It is Shri Krishna who incarnates on earth as Banke Bihari, Vrindavan Vihari, and Dwarikadhish Shri Krishna. According to Brahmavaivart Puran, Shri Krishna is not an incarnation of Vishnu, rather Vishnu originated from him.
According to the Brahmavaivart Puran, the highest in the world of Shri Krishna and his Shakti, Radha Rani, which is called Golok. Bhagwan Krishna talks about his world, not only in Brahmavaivart Puran but also in Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Bhagwan Krishna gives a glimpse of his world. Look at this verse -.
न तद्भासयते सूर्यो न शशाङ्को ना पावक: ।
यद्गत्वा ना निवर्तन्ते तद्धाम परमं मम ।। 6
(Srimad Bhagavadgita, Adhyay-15 )
In this Shlok, Bhagwan Krishna is saying that where there is light without a sun. that is my abode, does not need the sun’s rays, but it shines with its own light. Where it is cooler than the moonlight. A house, that no fire can destroy. Such is my abode. And after reaching my abode, no one returns as he attains me.
In Garg Samhita, Narad Ji also tells all the deities about Shri Krishna’s Param Dham. which is called Golok Dham.
सस्योत्सङ्गे महालोको गोलोको लोकवन्दित: ।
यत्र काल: कलयतामीश्वरो धाममानिनाम् ।।18
राजन् न प्रभवेन्माया मनश्चित्तं मतिर्ह्यहम् ।
न विकारो विशत्येनं न महांश्च गुणा: कुत : ।। 19
(Gargsamhita, Golokkhanda, Adhyay-02)
in this Shlok, Narad Ji is saying that all the gods have seen Golok. Even Kaal, the master of all deities, has no effect in Golok… Whereas Maya has controlled Pruthvi Lok as well as the other worlds… There is no effect of Maya in Golok. Also, physical and mental disorders have no effect in Golok.
Narada ji, when describing Golok, says.
यत्र गोवर्द्धनो नाम गिरिराजो विराजते ।।32
वसन्तमालिनिभिश्च गोपीभिर्गोगणवृत:
कल्पवृक्षलतासङ्घै रासण्डलमण्डित ।।33
(Gargsamhita, Golokkhand, Adhyay – 02)
Narad ji tells through this Shlok that Govardhan mountain, situated in Golok, is adding to the glamour of Golok. where the river is flowing without any hurdles. Many palaces, built on its banks, are enhancing the beauty of that place. And the steps to descend into that river are made of beads. And there is Vrindavan, adorned with divine trees and vines. Where Bhagwan Shri Krishna resides. This is what Bhagwan Krishna himself has said “Taddham paramam mam” means this is my Golok Dham.
According to Brahmavaivart Puran, Adi Purusha Shri Krishna strolls with Radha Rani and his Gopis in Golok. Here, the divine cows give streams of milk like nectar. Sri Krishna’s companion Sridama Ji also resides here. Golok also has divine Vrindavan and divine Govardhan mountain.
When erosion of the religion began, Shri Krishna descended at that place on the earth where Vrindavan and Govardhan Parvat are established like Golok. Along with Shri Krishna, Radha Rani, and other Gopis also incarnated on the earth, established devotion and love here, and went back to their own Golok.