This site provides you the original content based on the sacred books of Sanatan Hindu Dharma. Our contents are based on the true stories and philosophy from Vedas and Puranas as well as authentic books of different sects and sub-sects of Hindu dharma. Our purpose is to present the history, mythology, and philosophy of Hindu dharma.
This site promotes harmony, equality, and spirituality among the human race. Our goal is to promote peace through spiritual and religious knowledge among all the world’s citizens.
This site provides in-depth knowledge of the world’s oldest religion and its traditions through audio, video, and written content based on the original sacred books of Hindu Dharma.
This site will provide you the content related to the Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Mahabharata, 18 Puranas, and numerous religious books of Hindu Dharma
This site has the goal to promote the scientific approach to learning Hindu dharma. It has aim to bust the wrong facts and myths related to Hindu Dharma spread by some illiterate people.